Code Enforcement | Palm Coast Connect

Code Enforcement

The Code Enforcement Section enforces a broad range of land use related ordinances to assure that a healthy and safe environment is maintained for the residents of Palm Coast.

Abandoned Property Registration

Palm Coast Code of Ordinances, Chapter 17, requires that owners/mortgagees register their real property with the City of Palm Coast Code Enforcement if the property is determined to be abandoned real property or has suffered damage or destruction from a fire, flood, storm, or similar event that rendered the building incapable of being occupied. An annual registration is required for each abandoned real property. The annual registration fee is $150.00 per property (refer to Palm Coast Municipal code Chapter 17 Sections 58 for detailed information).

Property Information

Owner/Mortagee Information

Local Contact and/or Maintenance Company

24 Hour/Emergency Contact

Foreclosure Attorney


Payment Information

There is a $150 fee to process your registration.