Environmental Stewardship
The city has embraced a robust commitment to green initiatives and environmental stewardship. The city prioritizes preserving green spaces and engaging the community in environmentally friendly practices.

Energy Efficiency & Renewables
The City of Palm Coast is committed to ensuring tax-dollar savings on our energy bills through energy efficiency optimization and increasing the City's renewable energy generation. All new capital improvement projects are slighted to obtain LEED certification, bringing seven buildings certified in a relatively short time frame. LEED certification is a rigorous process to ensure City facilities reduce carbon footprints and create an enjoyable environment for our residents and City employees.
Want to save money on energy bills?
The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is Congress's most significant action on clean energy and climate change in the nation's history. Through the IRA, homeowners will see substantial tax rebates and incentives to optimize energy efficiency and save money. See what rebates/incentives your home qualifies for here.

Resilient Palm Coast
Resilient Palm Coast is a City of Palm Coast initiative committed to building a community that can withstand negative impacts and recovers quickly from difficulties, such as natural disasters. As a coastal community, Palm Coast is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Resiliency efforts have many actions, including planning initiatives that best equip Palm Coast to withstand extreme weather and climatic impacts, infrastructure modifications, and more.
Resiliency is a critical component for Palm Coast, particularly in protecting its natural resources and ensuring a high quality of life for its residents. By prioritizing resiliency, Palm Coast can safeguard its natural assets, maintain its desirability as a place to live and work, and ensure the long-term sustainability of the community.

Public Lands
The City of Palm Coast has exceptional parks, trails, and green spaces to explore throughout the City that not only provide recreational opportunities but access to clean air and water, shade, and increased mental health benefits. So often, we think of natural resources or nature as only existing in parks or outside of city limits, but this is far from true. Your backyard, apartment complex, office building, school, and community centers are essential in land conservation and ensuring our natural wildlife has a food source from the plants we use in our lawns.
The availability of outdoor spaces brings our community closer to nature and enhances Palm Coast's natural environment for people and native wildlife through educational programming, habitat restoration, outreach, and strategic planning.
Trek it out with the City of Palm Coast! Learn more about all the beautiful landscapes the City offers here.

Water Conservation & Quality
Water resources are finite, and conservation efforts become increasingly important as they become scarcer. By conserving water, we save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the vulnerable habitats of thousands of species. Treating and distributing water to each household takes significant energy and infrastructure, so every drop saved makes a difference. Palm Coast is committed to promoting water conservation efforts and building a sustainable future for our community. Information on ways to conserve water can found by clicking here.
GREEN Palm Coast
Tree City USA
The Tree City USA program is a national program that provides the framework for community forestry management for cities and towns across America.
Tree City USAMonarch City
The City of Palm Coast is committed to helping aide in the recovery of Monarch Butterflies nation-wide by joining Monarch City USA.
Monarch CityLEED - City Hall
Designed to meet LEED Building Design and Construction Standards for New Construction, this project earned LEED Silver certification.
Palm Coast City HallLEED - Community Center
Designed to meet LEED Building Design and Construction Standards for New Construction, this project earned LEED Silver certification.
Palm Coast Community Center