Stormwater and Engineering Department Logo


The Stormwater Division is responsible for the design, construction, and maintenance of the City’s Stormwater infrastructure with programs that have greatly enhanced investments in improving the aging system.

The goal is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens in Palm Coast through a full range of municipal services and an all-inclusive program to effectively manage stormwater.

Create a Stormwater Case

Do you need to bring the city's attention to a stormwater issue? Create a case and we will take care of it.

Ongoing Stormwater maintenance programs and rehabilitation projects include:

Swale Maintenance

Water control structures such as weirs

Drainage ditches

Fresh water canals

Fresh water lakes

Culvert pipes

Comprehensive Management Plan

The City of Palm Coast’s stormwater drainage system is designed to protect homes and businesses from flooding. All the City’s canals, swales, pipes, ditches, water control structures, and stormwater storage areas are designed to work together to handle the abundance of rainfall we receive in this area.

The City has stormwater management plans to address the emerging drainage issues. These plans take a big-picture look at the stormwater infrastructure and drainage basins and how they work together. New solutions will re-direct focus on cleaning and maintaining residential and commercial ditches and freshwater canals. This will have a greater long-term impact on improving the overall drainage system in Palm Coast.

NPDES Requirements

The City was issued its first NPDES MS4 permit in 2014, and the permit must be renewed every 5 years. The NPDES MS4 permit requires the City to establish a program to develop, implement, and monitor various tasks associated with stormwater management. Local governments are given the opportunity to implement custom Best Management Practices (BMPs) that satisfy the six Minimum Control Measures set forth by the MS4 Program. The six Minimum Control Measures are listed below:

Public Education and Outreach

Conduct outreach activities to inform the public of stormwater discharge and the community's role in reduction of runoff pollutants.

Public Participation

Comply with State and local public notice requirements while promoting public involvement/participation programs.

Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

Develop a map that shows major storm sewer system outfalls and implement a plan to detect, as well as eliminate, non-stormwater discharges to the MS4 system.

Construction Site Runoff Control

Develop and enforce a control program for erosion and sediments at construction activity sites.

Post-Construction Runoff Control

Develop and enforce a program to address post-construction runoff from new development and redevelopment sites.

Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping

Develop a program to prevent or reduce runoff pollution from MS4 operator activities (maintenance of parks, fleet, buildings, stormwater system, etc.).

Stormwater & Engineering Department