Contractor Permitting
Welcome Contractors!
Welcome to the new permit selection menu. All the permits can be found in the dropdown menu below.
Selecting a permit will show an explanation and associated documents needed to complete your permit.
Accessory Structure - Residential
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
A residential accessory structure is any structure incidental and accessory to; and located on the same lot as a one or two-family dwelling and includes but is not necessarily limited to: pergolas, gazebos, decks, patio covers, green houses / nurseries and whether with or without a roof and whether attached to the home or detached from the home.
Accessory structures are regulated by the Florida Building Code and DO require a permit to ensure compliance with state and local building code, land use and zoning regulations and the City's design wind speed of 120 m.p.h.
Please be aware, not all pre-manufactured accessory structures available for purchase on-line or through a local retailer are constructed to comply with the Florida Building Code and the City's design wind speed. It is important that you verify manufacturer's construction and installation plans including requirements for supporting foundations and connections to supporting foundations are signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer and designed for a 120 design wind speed BEFORE YOU MAKE YOUR PURCHASE.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 3-5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
If a foundation survey for the concrete involved in your project is not on file in our office, a foundation survey (if applicable) will need to be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
What is required to apply for a permit?
Permit application - auto generated using the online permit system
- Signed and sealed construction plans prepared by a Florida licensed professional engineer indicating design complies with the City's design wind speed of 120 m.p.h.
- For pre-manufactured structures, the manufacturer's installation specifications (booklet provided at time of purchase). Note: the manufacturer's installation specifications do not substitute for signed and sealed construction plans
- Manufactures specifications (booklet provided at time of purchase)
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Landscape plan (may be included on the site plan)
- Structures shall be screened with a visual buffer planting, solid or decorative fencing or walls may be installed to screen from public view. Plants used shall be vegetation that conserves water, is adaptable to local conditions and is drought tolerant. (See Land Development Code acceptable fence material and color).
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit (for jobs greater than $5,000)
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
Accessory Structure - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
An accessory structure is identified as dumpster enclosure, canopy, pergola, pavilion, gazebo, storage buildings, etc.
The building permit may be applied for at any time providing you have a complete permit package - regardless if the development order has been issued. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected.
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors if applicable.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application -
A site development permit is required for all site work. This permit can be applied for once the development order has been issued.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
Automatic Email notifications are the primary source of communication - please be sure to verify we have your correct email address on file.
The processing time for the permit is usually 5-10 days.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions can be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online)
When the permit is made ready, payment can be made online through our website. Once the permit has been issued, the job card, receipt and permit will be emailed to you. If you have submitted online, the approved documents can be downloaded from our website.
You may schedule inspections by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website.
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
Disapprovals will be left at the job and emailed through the automatic notification system.
You can follow the progress of your project from start to finish on our website -
Important Information
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and fees do not have to be paid during the construction.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application - auto generated through the online permitting system
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- Include truss layout and fastening schedule if applicable
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document
- Site plan with proposed structure including setbacks (if the proposed work did not require a development order)
- Product approval specification sheet (if applicable)
- Energy calculations (if applicable)
- Roofing worksheet (if applicable)
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
Please read the instructions on the permit portal page to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of your submittal.
(A signed permit application will not be required for upload if using the online submittal portal)
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact he/she directly.
Aluminum Enclosure
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
An Aluminum Enclosure is considered to have a screen room, - no hard roof of any kind. Any aluminum with a solid roof will be considered a Building Addition.
If your project falls within the definition of a Sunroom, an affidavit signed by the property owner attesting to the category will be required. (R302.
Category I: A thermally isolated sunroom with walls that are open or enclosed with insect screening or 0.5 mm (20 mil) maximum thickness plastic film. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category II: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category III: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for air infiltration resistance and water penetration resistance. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category IV: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled by a separate temperature control or system and is thermally isolated from the primary structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is non-habitable and conditioned.
Category V: A sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled and is open to the main structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is habitable and conditioned.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 3-5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
If a foundation survey for the concrete involved in your project is not on file in our office, a foundation survey (if applicable) will need to be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
***A final survey will be required for additions greater than 300 sq. ft. Submittal and approval is required prior to the final inspection.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application - auto generated though the online permitting portal
- Sealed drawings
- Manufactures specifications (booklet provided at time of purchase)
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Landscape plan (may be included on the site plan)
- Structures shall be screened with a visual buffer planting, solid or decorative fencing or walls may be installed to screen from public view. Plants used shall be vegetation that conserves water, is adaptable to local conditions and is drought tolerant. (See Land Development Code acceptable fence material and color).
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit (for jobs greater than $5,000)
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
(A signed permit application will not be required for upload if using the online submittal portal)
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
Artificial Turf
The permit may is to be submitted i through our online permitting process. When submitting online, it is strong encouraged to read the ‘How To’ guide and the “Document Submittal Requirements’ located on the permit portal page to ensure a correct and smooth submission.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions may be submitted once all outstanding reviews have been completed. We do not accept submittals during an open review cycle. Revisions/Corrections, or additional documents should be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online)
The progression of your permit and inspections may be viewed online any time at using your log in or accessing through the ‘guest access’ with your address or permit #.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent to the applicant with the details. (and can be viewed online)
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments may be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel the inspections are not accurate, please contact a plan reviewer at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal, Alexa, or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, a confirmation email notification will be sent including the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact them directly for a two-hour time frame for their arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 6:59 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application - auto generated through the online permitting system
- Survey / site plan Check our files -
- All existing structures / improvements
- Proposed location for the artificial turf - noting setbacks (turf if not permitted within an easement)
- Proposed drainage of the area where the turf is to be installed - to include adjacent properties
- Total impervious area calculations for the lot, to include the proposed artificial turf
- Manufactures installation specifications
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction Lien Law Affidavit - for projects greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Online permit submittal -
Apartment Building
To Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
The building permit may be applied for at any time providing you have a complete permit package - regardless if the development order has been issued. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected.
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors.
If you are building more than one structure, a separate permit is required for each structure. Each package/set of plan must be specific to that particular structure and not part of a shared plan set. (If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application. Check here -
A separate site development permit is required for all site work. This permit is usually generated during the site plan review process and an application signed by the contractor is to be submitted after the development order has been issued and ready for issuance.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online system or by calling 386-986-4747. Inspections requested up to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent with the inspector's name and contact information. You may contact the inspector to determine a time frame for their arrival.
The progress of your project can be followed from start to finish on our website -
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- As-builts are to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to the final inspection.
- A termite certificate prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00, and fees do not have to be paid during the construction.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Product approval specification sheet
- Energy calculations
- Roofing worksheet
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Paid water & sewer capacity fee receipt
- Color and material sheet / approved color rendition with architectural (approved site development plan sheet)
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance but will be required prior to any inspections.
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- All plans, reports, calculations and similar design documents signed and sealed by the design professional(s) of record. All structural design shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer and all architectural design shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed architect. Plans for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and related trades shall be signed and sealed by a Florida professional engineer trained in the specific design discipline. Plans shall include verifiable digital or electronic signatures in accordance with F.A.C. 61G15-23.004 or 61G15-23.005 for engineers and F.A.C. 61G1-16.003 and 61G1-16.004 for architects.
- Plans shall include a complete code analysis, solving occupancy classification, allowable heights, stories and areas, area increases and type of construction versus actual heights, stories, areas and area increases as well as occupant loads.
- Plans shall include all applicable design codes, referenced design standards, risk categories, design flood elevations and structural design information for both strength and serviceability including uniformly distributed, concentrated and special loads, wind loads and exposure category, rain loads, component and cladding loads and similar.
- Plans shall include complete means of egress design information including the path of the exit discharge to the public way and shall designate the number of occupants to be accommodated on every floor and in all rooms and spaces.
- Plans shall include complete design, construction and assembly details for all fire-resistive rated construction. References to ASTM E119, UL263 or other fire-resistance design methods listed in FBCB Section 703.3 shall be included. Additional plan information is provided below.
- Plans shall include complete design of exterior wall and roof envelope protection. Additional plan information is provided below.
- Plans shall include a basis of design by the professional engineer of record for all fire protection systems including fire sprinkler, fire suppression and fire alarm systems and similar. Requested deferred submittals shall be listed in writing on plans. Plans shall include notes indicating separate permits are required for all fire protection systems.
- Plans shall include a statement by the architect of record certifying design compliance with accessibility provisions of the Florida Building Code-Accessibility and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines "Design Guidelines for Accessible / Adaptable Dwellings". Certification shall be accompanied by a matrix or other means of identifying and cataloging accessible design parameters and accessible dwelling units.
- Complete foundation plans including, but not limited to; soil bearing and lateral bearing pressures and concrete compressive strength. Plans shall reference site specific geotechnical investigation on which the foundation design is based.
- Complete building structural plans for the main wind-force resisting system as well as all gravity live and dead loads and load paths to the foundation. This includes but is not necessarily limited to; lintel / beam / header / column schedules, CMU construction and re-enforcing details, roof framing plan / truss layout plans for each building elevation configuration and options, complete connector, fastening and hold-down schedules and all design loads including opening design pressures and coefficients.
- Complete wall sections for each wall type from foundation through to roof. Full wall sections means from face of interior finish to face of interior finish for interior walls and from face of interior finish to exterior face of exterior cladding for exterior walls. Include all material specifications for all interior finishes, cavity insulation, vapor barriers, furring, sound transmission ratings and material details, water-resistive barriers, wall sheathing, windows and doors, flashings and exterior cladding and complete attachment and fastening details.
- Complete floor sections to include floor framing and construction details, floor sheathing type, fastening schedules, cavity insulation (if applicable), floor joist or truss type, spans, wood species and grade for dimensional lumber, beam type and locations, sound transmission ratings and material details.
- Complete roof sections to include roof sheathing type, fastening schedules, attic insulation, roof underlayment, venting details, draft-stopping and roof covering for each roof covering options (e.g. asphalt shingles, concrete tile, slate, etc.).
- Complete stair sections including rise and run, stair headroom, handrail and guard details, minimum design loads and concentrated loads for each stair component, fastening and anchor schedules. If stairs are to be pre-manufactured, the list of deferred submittals described above shall reference stair design as being a deferred item. Stair shop drawings prepared by the stair manufacturer shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed engineer and include all minimum design loads.
- Complete fire-resistance rated exterior and / or common wall and horizontal assemblies from foundation through to roof for each assembly type. Include references to the applicable ASTM or UL File numbers or other approved fire-resistance design sources
atfor each wall section. Provide complete assembly construction details on plan sheets (not just file references). Include through and membrane penetration fire-stop systems details. If through and / or membrane penetration details are unknown at time of permit submittal the list of deferred submittals mentioned above shall also request these systems be deferred. - Complete truss specifications, for floor and / or roof trusses including truss layout, reactions and individual truss profile sheets with each sheet signed and sealed by the truss design engineer. Truss specifications shall include all temporary and permanent bracing details.
- Complete door and window schedules, including identification of all required escape windows and safety glazing locations.
- Complete electrical, plans including electric equipment and material schedules, service equipment, service feeders and entrance conductors, location of electrical service, panel locations and schedules and voltage load calculations. All material specifications and references to the applicable design standard applicable to equipment and materials.
- Complete plumbing plans including fixture, equipment and hanger / support schedules, isometric drawings with pipe sizes and fitting types for water distribution, water supply, drain, waste and vent systems, building sewer and building drain. Include fixture calculations for both water distribution system and drain, waste and vent system. All material specifications and references to the applicable design standard applicable to fixtures, equipment piping and, fittings.
- Complete fuel gas plans including material, equipment and support / hanger schedules with Btu demands, isometric drawings for fuel gas distribution system plans showing demands at all outlets and all pipe sizes, locations of shut-offs, material and hanger schedules. All material specifications and references to the applicable design standard applicable to equipment piping and, fittings.
- Complete mechanical plans including material, equipment and support / hanger schedules, duct layout and sizes for supply and return systems, exhaust, make-up air, dryer exhaust ducts, environmental and outside air ducts, exterior terminations. All material specifications and references to the applicable design standard applicable to equipment piping and, fittings.
- Window, door and glazed opening impact protection device schedules if applicable.
- Component and cladding product approval worksheet for all windows, pedestrian doors, garage doors, glazed opening impact protection devices, truss anchors, connectors and hold downs, trusses, siding, soffits, roof underlayment and roof coverings.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
Online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Bi Directional Amplifier
If a BDA is deemed necessary, a licensed Electrical or Fire Alarm Contractor shall submit for application. The contractor shall first register with the Building Department.
Check here to check current registration database -
Click here for registration instructions -
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit Application
- Single line diagram and floor plans showing location of equipment, antennas, and connections, sealed by a Professional Engineer in the State of Florida
- Equipment list with specifications
- Signal Booster FCC ID Number (
- In Building Propagation Coverage Map showing expected Radio Frequency levels
- Diagram of primary power source, secondary power source, and fire alarm monitor panel connectivity to Bi-Directional Amplifier
Coverage Requirements:
Coverage must meet the minimum requirements of the NFPA 1221 Section 9.6.7 with adherence to Florida Statute 633.202.
Power Supply Requirements:
- Primary power source requirements Section
- Must be a dedicated branch circuit and comply with NFPA 72
- Secondary power source requirements: Section
- Storage battery dedicated to the system with at least 12 hours of 100% system operation capacity
- An alternative power source of 12 hours at 100% system operation capacity as approved.
System Monitoring Requirements: NFPA 1221 Section 9.6.13
- Required Supervisory alarms to fire alarm panel: Section
- Antenna failure
- Signal booster failure
- Low battery capacity
- Loss of normal ac power
- Failure of battery charger
Monitoring for integrity of the system shall comply with NFPA 72 Chapter 10
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
All communication will be sent through automated email notifications - please be sure to verify we have your correct email address on file.
The average processing time for the permit is 8-10 days.
You may schedule inspections by calling 386-986-4747 or through the permit portal
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
A Boathouse is considered any covered dock.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 3-5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
A dock/boathouse may not extend into the waterbody more than 12' unless such waterbody is 100' or more in width; if so, same may extend 16', in both instances at right angles to avoid to and from the property line abutting the waterbody. All boathouses must have a hip style roof. with a minimum roof pitch of 4 1/2:12. The maximum length of roofs located over a dock slip, dock lift, or water on saltwater canals shall be 26 feet of dock roof for the first 60 feet of property frontage, plus four feet of roof length for every five feet of property frontage thereafter, not to exceed 46 feet.
Roofs must be the same material and color as the principal structure and can be a maximum height of 13' above the seawall cap.
Construction on the Intracoastal Waterway requires all appropriate state and federal permits prior to submittal in addition, a database search from Florida Natural Areas Inventory, US Fish and Wildlife Services to list plan and animal species that have potential to occur on the property. (Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Environmental Protection, St. Johns River Water Management District)
*A License Agreement will be drawn up for signatures during the review process. City staff will contact you when the agreement is ready to be signed.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Roofing Worksheet identifying Product Approval for roofing and underlayment types
- Sealed drawings to include electrical if applicable
- Licensed electrician if applicable
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - for any job greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. IT is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact he/she directly.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
A boatlift permit type is used when the dock is existing.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 3-5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website (or picked up if submitted manually) and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 7:00 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Manufactures Specifications
- Signed and sealed drawings by a licensed Florida Engineer to include electrical if applicable
- Licensed electrician if applicable
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. All boatlifts, inclusive of all components, shall be mounted or installed within the 12 feet or 16 feet dimension allowed for structures in the waterbody. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - for any job greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact he/she directly.
Building Addition
A Building Addition is considered when roof area is being added regardless whether the concrete/slab is existing.
An addition to an existing home cannot include the reroof of the existing home or any other structure. A separate permit is required and must be obtained by a licensed roofing contractor.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
If your project falls within the definition of a Sunroom, an affidavit signed by the property owner attesting to the category will be required. (R302.
Category I: A thermally isolated sunroom with walls that are open or enclosed with insect screening or 0.5 mm (20 mil) maximum thickness plastic film. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category II: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category III: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for air infiltration resistance and water penetration resistance. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category IV: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled by a separate temperature control or system and is thermally isolated from the primary structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is non-habitable and conditioned.
Category V: A sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled and is open to the main structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is habitable and conditioned.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions may be submitted when all outstanding reviews have been completed. Revisions or corrections may not be submitted during an open review cycle.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent to the applicant with the details. (and can be viewed online)
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments may be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel the inspection are not accurate, please contact a plan reviewer at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal, Alexa, or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, a confirmation email notification will be sent including the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact them directly for a two-hour time frame for their arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 6:59 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction (if not previously on file)
- A final survey is required prior to the final inspections for any addition greater than 300 square feet.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and will be due prior to the final inspection.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed drawing/plans
- Energy calculations if applicable
- The front page of the energy calculations with the preparers signature and Florida State seal is to be uploaded as separate document.
- Color and material sheet (for exterior alterations)
- The color and material sheet must note that the exterior alterations will be finished and painted to match the existing house
- Product approval sheet if applicable
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. If square footage (roof area) is not being added, please crosshatch the area of improvement on the site plan. Check our files for a site plan -
- Sunroom Affidavit if applicable
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers’ office printout
- Construction Lien Law Affidavit - required for projects greater than $5000
- Notice of Commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk’s office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance but will be required prior to any inspections.
You can get an estimated cost for your permit using our fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Building Addition - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
A complete permit package is required for submittal. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected. (If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors and water/sewer receipt or waiver from the Palm Coast Utility Department.
If you are building more than one structure, a separate permit is required for each structure. Each package/set of plan must be specific to that particular structure and not part of a shared plan set.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application.
Check here to see if a contractor is registered in our database -
In addition to the building construction permit, a separate site development permit will be required for all site work. The Planning Division will create a permit in the database during the site development review process, an application signed by the licensed contractor can submit this to the Planning Division or submit to the Building Department after the Development Order has been issued.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
Each building/structure requires a separate permit.
Immediate communication for plan review and inspections is sent through automated email notifications - please verify we have your correct email address on file.
The processing time for the permit is usually 10 business days.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions can be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online) Revisions/Correction cannot be submitted during a review cycle. All reviews must be completed before additional submittals.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
Inspection results will be emailed through an automatic notification system.
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- As-builts are to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to the final inspection.
- A termite certificate prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Inspections can be requested up to 6:59 a.m. the same day - there are no roll over inspections.
- When the inspector has been assigned, an email with their name and contact information is sent - you may contact the inspector to receive a two hour time frame for their arrival.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and are due prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- Include truss layout and fastening schedule
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document.
- Product approval specification sheet
- Energy calculations
- Roofing worksheet
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Paid water & sewer capacity fee receipt
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Building Commercial - new construction
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
A complete permit package is required for submittal. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected. (If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors and water/sewer receipt or waiver from the Palm Coast Utility Department.
If you are building more than one structure, a separate permit is required for each structure. Each package/set of plan must be specific to that particular structure and not part of a shared plan set.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application.
Check here to see if a contractor is registered in our database -
In addition to the building construction permit, a separate site development permit will be required for all site work. The Planning Division will create a permit in the database during the site development review process, an application signed by the licensed contractor can submit this to the Planning Division or submit to the Building Department after the Development Order has been issued.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
Each building/structure requires a separate permit.
Immediate communication for plan review and inspections is sent through automated email notifications - please verify we have your correct email address on file.
The processing time for the permit is usually 10 business days.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions can be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online) Revisions/Correction cannot be submitted during a review cycle. All reviews must be completed before additional submittals. If a permit application has been submitted online, the same process must be followed until permit issuance (and vice versa for manually submitted permits applications.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
Inspection results will be emailed through an automatic notification system.
You can follow the progress of your project from start to finish on our website -
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- As-builts are to be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection.
- A termite certificate prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Inspections can be requested up to 6:59 a.m. the same day - there are no roll over inspections.
- When the inspector has been assigned, an email with their name and contact information is sent - you may contact the inspector to receive a two hour time frame for their arrival.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and are due prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed construction drawings. (1 set)
- Include truss layout and fastening schedule
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document.
- Plans submitted electronically must be uploaded as separate pages, each with a digital signature.
- Product approval specification sheet
- Energy calculations
- Roofing worksheet
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Paid water & sewer capacity fee receipt
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,00.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact he/she directly.
Building Interior/Exterior Alterations
A Building Interior/Exterior Alteration permit type is defined as any alteration made to the structure where additional roof cover is not added.
If your alteration includes a re-roof, a separate permit is required and must be obtained by a licensed roofing contractor.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
If your project falls within the definition of a Sunroom, an affidavit signed by the property owner attesting to the category will be required. (R302.
Category I: A thermally isolated sunroom with walls that are open or enclosed with insect screening or 0.5 mm (20 mil) maximum thickness plastic film. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category II: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category III: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The openings are enclosed with translucent or transparent plastic or glass. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for air infiltration resistance and water penetration resistance. The space is non-habitable and unconditioned.
Category IV: A thermally isolated sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled by a separate temperature control or system and is thermally isolated from the primary structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is non-habitable and conditioned.
Category V: A sunroom with enclosed walls. The sunroom is designed to be heated or cooled and is open to the main structure. The sunroom fenestration complies with additional requirements for water penetration resistance, air infiltration resistance and thermal performance. The space is habitable and conditioned.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions may be submitted when all outstanding reviews have been completed. Revisions or corrections may not be submitted during an open review cycle.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent to the applicant with the details. (and can be viewed online)
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments may be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel the inspection are not accurate, please contact a plan reviewer at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal, Alexa, or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, a confirmation email notification will be sent including the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact them directly for a two-hour time frame for their arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 6:59 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction (if not previously on file)
- A final survey is required prior to the final inspections for any addition greater than 300 square feet.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and will be due prior to the final inspection.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed drawing/plans
- Energy calculations if applicable
- Color and material sheet (for exterior alterations)
- The color and material sheet must note that the exterior alterations will be finished and painted to match the existing house
- Product approval sheet if applicable
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. If square footage (roof area) is not being added, please crosshatch the area of improvement on the site plan. Check our files for a site plan -
- Sunroom Affidavit if applicable
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers’ office printout
- Construction Lien Law Affidavit - required for projects greater than $5000
- Notice of Commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk’s office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance but will be required prior to any inspections.
You can get an estimated cost for your permit using our fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Commercial Detached Building
Detached Building- Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
A complete permit package is required for submittal. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected. (If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors and water/sewer receipt or waiver from the Palm Coast Utility Department. (As applicable)
If you are building more than one structure, a separate permit is required for each structure. Each package/set of plan must be specific to that particular structure and not part of a shared plan set.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application.
Check here to see if a contractor is registered in our database -
In addition to the building construction permit, a separate site development permit may be required for all site work. The Planning Division will create a permit in the database during the site development review process; An application signed by the licensed contractor can submit this to the Planning Division or submit to the Building Department after the Development Order has been issued.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
Each building/structure requires a separate permit.
Immediate communication for plan review and inspections is sent through automated email notifications - please verify we have your correct email address on file.
The processing time for the permit is 7-10 business days.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions can be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online) Revisions/Correction cannot be submitted during a review cycle. All reviews must be completed before additional submittals.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
You can follow the progress of your project from start to finish on our website -
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- As-builts are to be submitted and approved prior to the final inspection.
- A termite certificate prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Inspections can be requested up to 6:59 a.m. the same day - there are no roll over inspections.
- When the inspector has been assigned, an email with their name and contact information is sent - you may contact the inspector to receive a two hour time frame for their arrival.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and are due prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- Include truss layout and fastening schedule
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document.
- Product approval specification sheet
- Energy calculations
- Roofing worksheet
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Paid water & sewer capacity fee receipt if applicable
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Commercial - Interior/Exterior Alteration
Do not use this permit type if you are adding square footage to an existing structure, please use the 'commercial addition' permit type.
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors if applicable. Applications must be signed submitted by the licensed contractor.(If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
- Separate permits will not be issued for electrical, mechanical and plumbing- they are inclusive of the permit.
- Separate permits WILL be required for any fire or hood installation/renovation.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application.
Check here to see if a contractor is registered in our database -
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
- Communication is automatic through email notifications - please be sure to verify we have your correct email address on file.
- The processing time for the permit is usually 8-10 days.
- During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions are to be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online)
- Corrections/Revisions cannot be submitted during an open review cycle, when the current review cycle has been completed by all division, submittals will be accepted.
You may schedule inspections by calling 386-986-4747 or through the online permitting portal. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. Approved and disapproved inspections will emailed through the automatic notification system. Inspections requested by 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day.
- You can track the status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal - (Regardless if you submitted electronically or manual)
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact them directly.
- Inspections requested prior to 7:00 a.m. are performed the same day, requests after 7:00 a.m. are done the following day.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and fees do not have to be paid before the next inspection; payment will be required prior to the last inspection.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- original and signed by license holder
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document.
- Plans submitted electronically must be uploaded as separate pages, each with a digital signature. (Specific naming conventions is required for your files, please see the Document Submittal Requirements on the online permitting page)
- Product approval specification sheet (if applicable)
- Energy calculations
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Commercial Solar Water Heater
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Important information for owner issued commercial permits
Chapter 489.103(7), Florida Statutes
- Property owner cannot be in the name of an LLC, INC, Trust, HOA, Association, etc. The property must be personally owned.
- The property cannot be for lease for sale (within one year from completion of project)
- Value of job cannot exceed $75,000
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The processing time for the permit is 1-3 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Manufactures specifications
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - required for jobs greater than $2,500
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,00.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
To Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
The building permit may be applied for at any time providing you have a complete permit package - regardless if the development order has been issued. Incomplete packages will not be reviewed and will be returned/rejected.
A complete package includes the general contractor and the mechanical, plumbing, electrical and roofing sub-contractors.
If you are building more than one structure, a separate permit is required for each structure. Each package/set of plan must be specific to that particular structure and not part of a shared plan set. (If you plan submit electronically, each page will require a digital signature and we will be uploaded as individual sheets and named in accordance with the Document Submittal Requirements identified on the online permitting portal page).
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application. Check here -
A separate site development permit is required for all site work. This permit is usually generated during the site plan review process and an application signed by the contractor is to be submitted after the development order has been issued and ready for issuance.
The building construction permit will not be issued until the site development permit is issued.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions can be submitted in the same manner you applied for the permit (manually or online) We do not allow mixed submittals during the review process.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online system or by calling 386-986-4747. Inspections requested up to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent with the inspector's name and contact information. You may contact the inspector to determine a time frame for their arrival.
The progress of your project can be followed from start to finish on our website -
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- As-builts are to be submitted to the Planning Division and approved prior to the final inspection.
- A termite certificate prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00, and fees do not have to be paid during the construction.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Product approval specification sheet
- Energy calculations
- Roofing worksheet
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Paid water & sewer capacity fee receipt
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out and recorded with the Flagler County Clerk's office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance but will be required prior to any inspections.
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- All plans, reports, calculations and similar design documents signed and sealed by the design professional(s) of record. All structural design shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer and all architectural design shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed architect. Plans for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and related trades shall be signed and sealed by a Florida professional engineer trained in the specific design discipline. Plans shall include verifiable digital or electronic signatures in accordance with F.A.C. 61G15-23.004 or 61G15-23.005 for engineers and F.A.C. 61G1-16.003 and 61G1-16.004 for architects.
- Plans shall include a complete code analysis, solving occupancy classification, allowable heights, stories and areas, area increases and type of construction versus actual heights, stories, areas and area increases as well as occupant loads.
- Plans shall include all applicable design codes, referenced design standards, risk categories, design flood elevations and structural design information for both strength and serviceability including uniformly distributed, concentrated and special loads, wind loads and exposure category, rain loads, component and cladding loads and similar.
- Plans shall include complete means of egress design information including the path of the exit discharge to the public way and shall designate the number of occupants to be accommodated on every floor and in all rooms and spaces.
- Plans shall include complete design, construction and assembly details for all fire-resistive rated construction. References to ASTM E119, UL263 or other fire-resistance design methods listed in FBCB Section 703.3 shall be included. Additional plan information is provided below.
- Plans shall include complete design of exterior wall and roof envelope protection. Additional plan information is provided below.
- Plans shall include a basis of design by the professional engineer of record for all fire protection systems including fire sprinkler, fire suppression and fire alarm systems and similar. Requested deferred submittals shall be listed in writing on plans. Plans shall include notes indicating separate permits are required for all fire protection systems.
- Plans shall include a statement by the architect of record certifying design compliance with accessibility provisions of the Florida Building Code-Accessibility and the Department of Housing and Urban Development Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines "Design Guidelines for Accessible / Adaptable Dwellings". Certification shall be accompanied by a matrix or other means of identifying and cataloging accessible design parameters and accessible dwelling units.
- Complete foundation plans including, but not limited to; soil bearing and lateral bearing pressures and concrete compressive strength. Plans shall reference site specific geotechnical investigation on which the foundation design is based.
- Complete building structural plans for the main wind-force resisting system as well as all gravity live and dead loads and load paths to the foundation. This includes but is not necessarily limited to; lintel / beam / header / column schedules, CMU construction and re-enforcing details, roof framing plan / truss layout plans for each building elevation configuration and options, complete connector, fastening and hold-down schedules and all design loads including opening design pressures and coefficients.
- Complete wall sections for each wall type from foundation through to roof. Full wall sections means from face of interior finish to face of interior finish for interior walls and from face of interior finish to exterior face of exterior cladding for exterior walls. Include all material specifications for all interior finishes, cavity insulation, vapor barriers, furring, sound transmission ratings and material details, water-resistive barriers, wall sheathing, windows and doors, flashings and exterior cladding and complete attachment and fastening details.
- Complete floor sections to include floor framing and construction details, floor sheathing type, fastening schedules, cavity insulation (if applicable), floor joist or truss type, spans, wood species and grade for dimensional lumber, beam type and locations, sound transmission ratings and material details.
- Complete roof sections to include roof sheathing type, fastening schedules, attic insulation, roof underlayment, venting details, draft-stopping and roof covering for each roof covering options (e.g. asphalt shingles, concrete tile, slate, etc.).
- Complete stair sections including rise and run, stair headroom, handrail and guard details, minimum design loads and concentrated loads for each stair component, fastening and anchor schedules. If stairs are to be pre-manufactured, the list of deferred submittals described above shall reference stair design as being a deferred item. Stair shop drawings prepared by the stair manufacturer shall be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed engineer and include all minimum design loads.
- Complete fire-resistance rated exterior and / or common wall and horizontal assemblies from foundation through to roof for each assembly type. Include references to the applicable ASTM or UL File numbers or other approved fire-resistance design sources
atfor each wall section. Provide complete assembly construction details on plan sheets (not just file references). Include through and membrane penetration fire-stop systems details. If through and / or membrane penetration details are unknown at time of permit submittal the list of deferred submittals mentioned above shall also request these systems be deferred. - Complete truss specifications, for floor and / or roof trusses including truss layout, reactions and individual truss profile sheets with each sheet signed and sealed by the truss design engineer. Truss specifications shall include all temporary and permanent bracing details.
- Complete door and window schedules, including identification of all required escape windows and safety glazing locations.
- Complete electrical, plans including electric equipment and material schedules, service equipment, service feeders and entrance conductors, location of electrical service, panel locations and schedules and voltage load calculations.
- Complete plumbing plans including fixture, equipment and hanger / support schedules, isometric drawings for water distribution and drain, waste and vent systems. Include fixture calculations for both water distribution system and drain, waste and vent system.
- Complete fuel gas plans including material, equipment and support / hanger schedules with Btu demands, isometric drawings for fuel gas distribution system plans showing demands at all outlets and all pipe sizes, locations of shut-offs, material and hanger schedules.
- Complete mechanical plans including material, equipment and support / hanger schedules, duct layout and sizes for supply and return systems, exhaust, make-up air, dryer exhaust ducts, environmental and outside air ducts, exterior terminations.
- Window, door and glazed opening impact protection device schedules if applicable.
- Component and cladding product approval worksheet for all windows, pedestrian doors, garage doors, glazed opening impact protection devices, truss anchors, connectors and hold downs, trusses, siding, soffits, roof underlayment and roof coverings.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
A Deck is a wood structure without a roof
A permit is required for all decks in Palm Coast regardless of area, height above the ground and whether or not it is attached or detached from the home. Plans do not necessarily require engineering provided the contractor can provide a complete deck framing plan that addresses all construction standards listed in Section R507.1 through R507.8.2 based on a 40 p.s.f. minimum live load and 10 p.s.f. minimum dead load. If this cannot be accomplished, then the plans must be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website (or picked up if submitted manually) and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 7:00 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Plans - Plans do not necessarily require engineering provided the contractor can provide a complete deck framing plan that addresses all construction standards listed in Section R507.1 through R507.8.2 based on a 40 p.s.f. minimum live load and 10 p.s.f. minimum dead load. If this cannot be accomplished, then the plans must be signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer.
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction Lien Law affidavit for projects over $5000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
Deck - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
A Deck permit type is used for wooden decks without a roof.
Inquire about a development order for your project, please contact the Planning Division at 386-986-3736.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready between 5-10 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Sealed drawings
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
A Demolition is the demolishing / removal of any structure or portion of a structure. The scope of work varies greatly for each project.
A separate demolition permit is not required if the demolition is a part of a renovation project and included in the plans for the project. However, if demolition work is necessary for your project, a demolition permit may allow you to begin your project while you're waiting on the permit for the renovation project to be approved.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 7:00 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Detailed scope of work
- Site plan/Survey identifying location of area to be demolished
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction Lien Law affidavit - required for projects greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Demolition - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Demolition permits vary from project to project. The property may be required to return to its original state prior to the structure.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The processing time for the permit is usually 5-10 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Detailed scope of work
- Interior Plans/Layout if applicable
- Site plan/Survey identifying location of area to be demolished -if applicable
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Detached Residential Building Addition
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website (or picked up if submitted manually) and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 7:00 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
Important Information
A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction. (if not previously on file)
A final survey is required prior to the final inspections.
A termite certificate is required prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and will be due prior to the final inspection.
Revisions are charged at $40.00.
******if your project includes a driveway, a separate permit for the driveway is required****
What is required to apply for a permit?
Permit application
Signed and Sealed drawings
Engineered truss / roof framing plan with a signature and seal by the home's design engineer
Detailed scope of work
Energy calculations
Color and material sheet
Product approval sheet
Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
Construction Lien Law affidavit
Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
A Dock permit type is used when any new dock is constructed and may include a boathouse and boatlift.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready between 2-5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
A dock/boathouse may not extend into the waterbody more than 12' unless such waterbody is 100' or more in width; if so, same may extend 16', in both instances at right angles to avoid to and from the property line abutting the waterbody. All boathouses must have a hip style roof.
Construction on the Intracoastal Waterway requires all appropriate state and federal permits prior to submittal in addition, a database search from Florida Natural Areas Inventory, US Fish and Wildlife Services to list plan and animal species that have potential to occur on the property. (Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Environmental Protection, St. Johns River Water Management District)
*A License Agreement will be drawn up for signatures during the review process. City staff will contact you when the agreement is ready to be signed.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Sealed drawings to include electrical if applicable
- Licensed electrician if applicable
- Site plans/survey - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - for any job greater than $5000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Dock - Commercial
Permits are to be submitted through our online permitting process.
A dock/boathouse may not extend into the waterbody more than 12' unless such waterbody id 100' or more in width. If so, same may extend 16', in both instances as measured at right angles to and from the property line abutting the waterbody.
**Construction on the Intracoastal Waterway requires all appropriate state and federal permits prior to permit submittal (Army Corp of Engineers, DEP, SJRWMD, SFRWMD) in addition, a database search from Florida Natural Areas Inventory, US Fish and Wildlife Services to list plan and animal species that have potential to occur on the property.
Requirement Checklist:
• Permit application
• Sealed Drawings
• Site plans/survey
• Construction lien law affidavit if job is valued over $5,000
• Notice of Commencement if job is valued over $5,000 (this is not required at the time of permit submittal)
You may check our website to see if we have a site plan on file at
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
For technical questions (culvert pipe placement, concrete thickness, etc.) - please contact the Construction Management and Engineering Division at or 386-986-3794
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready between 2-5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
If your driveway project requires the water meter pit to be relocated, you will need to contact the Utility Department prior to application for a permit. Please email a proposed site plan with the location of the driveway to determine if the water meter can be moved and the estimated cost for the relocation. In addition to the cost of the relocation, a plumber will be required to connect from the private side to the public system.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Job description to include proposed material
- Paver Driveway Detail Sheet - circle the option to be used
- Site plans/survey to include the following:
- All existing structures
- Proposed material of driveway
- Proposed driveway dimensions
- Proposed setbacks to property lines
- Water meter pit location
- Width at property line and edge of road
- Distance from proposed driveway to edge of pavement of any road intersection within 75'
- Check our files for a site plan -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
If pavers are to be installed in the city right of way (from edge of property line to edge of pavement), an original Right of Way Utilization Agreement must be provided. This form must be signed by ALL persons on the recorded deed. If the property is deeded in a Trust, there is a specific agreement which must completed in the name of the Trust. (see both Agreements in the document links below)
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Please refer to this Q & A document located on the Building Services page with detailed information about the permitting/building process and how to navigate the requirements -
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
All communication is done through automated email notifications - please be sure to verify we have your correct email address on file.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The processing time for the permit is usually 5 days.
During the review process, if any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details. Revisions may be submitted once all outstanding reviews have been completed. We do not accept submittals during an open review cycle.
If required, a swale plan will be provided within 2 months following the issuance of the building permit and will be available to you online.
Water and Sewer locates will be identified on a site plan during the review. If your lot requires a PEP tank, the electrical panel must be located on the side of the home the PEP tank is indicated. A revision is NOT required for submittal if the proposed panel is on the opposite side, this can be a change made in the field without any paperwork approvals.
Water and Sewer fees will be collected at the time of the permit issuance. (The application is part of the required documents for submittal)
When the permit is made ready, payment can be made online through our website. If you have submitted online, the approved documents can be downloaded from our website.
You may schedule inspections by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website.
All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
Disapprovals will be left at the job and emailed through the automatic notification system.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
To make application for a permit, you must be registered in our database -
You can check our existing contractor database to see if you are registered here -
Once you are registered, you have the option to use our online permitting system. This also includes all subcontractors identified (elec, mech, plumb, roof)
Important Information
- A foundation survey must be submitted prior to any vertical construction.
- A final survey is required prior to the final inspections.
- A termite certificate is required prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- a Blower Door Test form must be submitted prior to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy.
- Re-inspections are charged at $40.00 and fees do not have to be paid during the construction.
- Revisions are charged at $40.00.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, and then six months from each passing inspection, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
Prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, all fees must be paid, a termite certificate, blower door test and duct leakage report must be submitted. You may email those forms to or submit them through the online permitting portal.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Signed and sealed construction drawings.
- Engineered truss / roof framing plan with a signature and seal by the home's design engineer
- ​Roof Framing may be a deferred submittal if you are unable to obtain the documents at the time of submittal. A request on your letter head will need to be submitted with the application.
- Plans submitted electronically must be sealed with a digital signature, we will not accept photocopies of a signed and sealed document.
- Engineered truss / roof framing plan with a signature and seal by the home's design engineer
- Product approval specification sheet
- Color and material sheet
- Energy calculations
- The front page of the energy calculations with the preparers signature and Florida State seal is to be uploaded as separate document.
- Roofing worksheet
- Paver Driveway Detail Sheet - circle the option to be used
- Application for Water and Sewer
- Proof of ownership - recorded deed or property appraiser printout
- Construction lien law affidavit signed by property owner (not required if contractor is property owner
- Elevation certificate if property is located within an 'A' zone
- Site plan
- Dimensions and setbacks to property lines
- All flatwork to include pad
- Site plans marked 'LOCATES' for water and sewer locates to be identified during the review process.
- Boundary survey
- Must include flood zone
- Landscape plan
- Include tree sizes, shrub size, type, and automatic irrigation system if required
- Foundations plantings for front, side street and rear structures facing canals, lakes, golf courses, and public right of ways.
- Tree survey
- Survey to be no more than 24 months old
- Identify all protected trees by species name, and size of trunk measured at the diameter at chest height
- Topographic survey
- Reference the 198 NAVD datum/lot grading. Include driveway width at property line and at the edge of pavement and the distance from the proposed driveway flare to any road intersection within 75'
- Grade elevation profile drawing is required when the proposed structure if on a saltwater canal lot
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Electric Residential
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready between 1-3 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application (must be signed by the license holder)
- Drawings/Scope of work
- Site plans/survey (if applicable) - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - required for any job greater than $5000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Electric - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready within 5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Design plans signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer -plans must include design details indicating compliance with the current National Electric Code and the the Florida Building Code-Existing Buildings and Florida Building Code-Energy Conservation, current edition if applicable. Plans also may be designed by the licensed electrical contractor.
- Site plans/survey (if applicable) - include all existing and proposed structures and setbacks to property lines. Check our files -
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections
Please give us a call if you have questions to the scope of work you are performing if a permit is required and if a scope of work is adequate rather than designed plans. 386-986-3780
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
Before submitting in our office or online, you must first be registered in our database, you can check here to see if you are registered -
If you are not registered, please follow these instruction -
(A signed permit application will not be required for upload if using the online submittal portal)
Electric Vehicle Charging Station
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Once you've submitted the application package online, the review time will take between 5-10 business days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. All inspections must be scheduled in order for your permit to close out. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through the online permitting portal. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. Inspections requested by 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application (must be signed by the license holder)
- A written scope of work explaining any other proposed site improvements to be made in conjunction with the EV Charging stations (e.g. reconfiguration, removal and / or reconstruction of parking areas, curbs, landscape islands, asphalt surfaces, stormwater drainage / inlets, and other site alterations)
- Site plan (photographic image with sufficient detail showing location of EV stations ,parking areas, accessible parking space(s) and other site improvements such as landscaping) is acceptable for existing structures
- Landscape Plan - include existing landscape and any proposed changes to the existing landscaping
- Accessible parking space striping detail
- Accessible parking space access aisle striping detail
- Accessible parking signage detail including sign foundation, sign type, required language, minimum fine, height above grade, etc.
- Location of wheel stops and dimension necessary to prevent vehicles from overhanging public sidewalks / accessible routes
- Other proposed site accessibility improvements
- Electrical plans signed and sealed by a Florida licensed professional engineer
- EV charging station specifications (accessibility requirements, reach ranges, operating devices, etc.)
- EV charging station specifications (accessibility requirements, reach ranges, etc.)
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Please be advised, a permit will no longer be required to install a fence, however, acknowledgement by the property owner of the City Land Development Code for fence installation is required before proceeding.
The online permitting system will now guide the property owner through the fence regulations and the acknowledgement form for approval to proceed.
A permit will be generated in the database to retain the acknowledgement form, but will NOT require any fees or inspections.
This process must be completed by the property owner, the contractor may not do this on their behalf.
Attached is a "How To" guide to assist your customers in navigating through the online approval process.
Any fence not meeting the City Land Development Code regulations will result in action through code enforcement.
Outstanding fence permits that have not received a final inspection will be administratively closed out.
If you have any questions, please contact the Zoning Division at 386-986-3751.
Fence - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready in 3-5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Site plans/survey - indicate location of fence using XXXXXX - please do not use highlighters. Check our files -
- Landscape plan(may be included on site plan)
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
Get the estimated cost of your permit here - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Fire Alarm - Commercial
Installation of a Fire alarm requires a separate permit and is not inclusive of a primary building permit.
Plan review for permitting is between 5 - 10 working days.
Inspections are to be requested on the Fire Alarm permit and not through the primary building permit. The Fire Alarm permit is required to have all inspection completed and closed out prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Contractors must be registered in our database prior to permit submittal -
- Check here to verify if you are registered with us
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
- Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project.
- Inspections can be scheduled inspection by calling 386-986-4747, through the online permitting portal or through the Alexa App.
- All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
- Inspections requested before 6:59 a.m. will done the same day.
- When the inspector has been assigned, a notification email with the assigned inspector and phone # will be sent. Please ensure the emails are up to date.
Required for submittal:
- Permit application signed by licensed contractor
- Plans
- Manufactures Specifications for all materials
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5000 (not required for submittal)
- To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
- If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement (available below)
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Fire Alarm - Residential
Installation of a Fire alarm requires a separate permit and is not inclusive of a primary building permit.
An application request to the Utility Department for your Water Tap must be included with the permit application submittal. Payment for the Water Tap will be collected at the time of permit issuance. The size of the Water Tap is to be determined by the system designer and is indicated on your plans.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Inspections are to be requested on the Fire Sprinkler permit and not through the primary building permit. The Fire Sprinkler permit is required to have all inspection completed and closed out prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Contractors must be registered in our database prior to permit submittal -
- Check here to verify if you are registered with us
- Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project.
- Inspections can be scheduled inspection by calling 386-986-4747, through the online permitting portal or through the Alexa App.
- All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
- Inspections requested before 6:59 a.m. will done the same day.
- When the inspector has been assigned, a notification email with the assigned inspector and phone # will be sent. Please ensure the emails are up to date.
Required for submittal:
- Permit application signed by licensed contractor
- Plans
- Manufactures specifications for all materials
- Utility Application for Water Tap
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5,000 (not required for submittal)
- To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
- If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement located below.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Fire Sprinkler
Installation of a Fire Sprinkler requires a separate permit and is not inclusive of a primary building permit. If there are multiple buildings in your project, each building will require a separate permit.
Inspections are to be requested on the Fire Sprinkler permit and not through the primary building permit. The Fire Sprinkler permit is required to have all inspection completed and closed out prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Contractors must be registered in our database prior to permit submittal -
- Check here to verify if you are registered with us
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Required for submittal:
- Permit application signed by licensed contractor
- Plans
- Manufactures Specifications for all materials
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5000 (not required for submittal) If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement located below
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Fire Suppression System
Installation of a Fire Suppression System requires a separate permit and is not inclusive of a primary building permit. If there are multiple buildings in your project, each building will require a separate permit.
Plan review for permitting is between 5 - 10 working days.
Inspections are to be requested on the Fire Suppression System permit and not through the primary building permit. The Fire Suppression System permit is required to have all inspection completed and closed out prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Contractors must be registered in our database prior to permit submittal -
- Check here to verify if you are registered with us
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
- Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project.
- Inspections can be scheduled inspection by calling 386-986-4747, through the online permitting portal or through the Alexa App.
- All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
- Inspections requested before 6:59 a.m. will done the same day.
- When the inspector has been assigned, a notification email with the assigned inspector and phone # will be sent. Please ensure the emails are up to date.
Required for submittal:
- Permit application signed by licensed contractor
- Plans
- Manufactures Specifications for all materials
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5,000 (not required for submittal) If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement (located below)
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Fire Underground
Installation of a Fire Underground requires a separate permit and is not inclusive of a primary building permit. If there are multiple buildings in your project, each building will require a separate permit.
Plan review for permitting is between 5 - 10 working days.
Inspections are to be requested on the Fire Underground permit and not through the primary building permit. The Fire Underground permit is required to have all inspection completed and closed out prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
Contractors must be registered in our database prior to permit submittal -
- Check here to verify if you are registered with us
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Required for submittal:
- Permit application signed by licensed contractor
- Plans
- Manufactures Specifications for all materials
- Site Plan to include:
- All property lines
- All proposed structures
- Proposed size and location of pipes
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5000 (not required for submittal) If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement (located below)
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Foundation Stabilization
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Once you've submitted the application, the permit is usually ready within 5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
A footing inspection will not be required by city inspectors; a Letter of Approval from the Engineer will be required for submittal and once approved, the final inspection may be requested by using the online system or our call in system 386-986-4747.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
An Engineer letter of Certification is required when the project has been completed. This is to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer representing that the engineering services addressed therein, as defined in Section 471.005(7), F.S. have been performed by the professional engineer, and based upon the professional engineer's knowledge, information and belief, and in accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable standards of practice, and is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied.
A final inspection is required to confirm the project is in fact complete, excavation backfilled, grading away from the home/foundation re-established, etc.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Sealed and sealed drawings/detailed scope of work
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - for any job greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
- An Engineer letter of Certification is required when the project has been completed. This is to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer representing that the engineering services addressed therein, as defined in Section 471.005(7), F.S. have been performed by the professional engineer, and based upon the professional engineer's knowledge, information and belief, and in accordance with commonly accepted procedures consistent with applicable standards of practice, and is not a guaranty or warranty, either expressed or implied.
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Staying Informed
- The current status of your permit from beginning to end is available through our online permitting portal -
- An automatic notification system will provide you status changes for plan review status (with notes), permit status, inspection requests and results.
- You will also receive a notification when the inspector is assigned to your request. To get a time frame of when to expect the inspector, you may contact he/she directly.
Fuel Tank
Fuel tank installations are regulated by the NFPA 30 (Chapter 42) and will require a permit to ensure compliance. (Chapter 1.12.6)
Plans and Specifications shall be submitted for review and approval prior to the installation or construction of a motor vehicle fuel dispensing station.
All contractors must be registered with the building division prior to application.
Check here to see if a contractor is registered in our database -
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Submittal Requirements:
- Permit application
- Plans and site plans to include the following information:
- Location of flammable and combustible liquids, LP Gas, or CNG storage vessels, and their spatial relation to each other, property lines and building openings.
- Above ground and underground storage vessels shall be shown on plan
- Distances from dispensers to tanks, property lines and buildings
- Vehicle access
- Fire appliances
- Vehicle impact protection
- Method of storage and protection
- Overfill prevention
- Spill containment
- Vents
- Vapor recovery
- Other equipment and accessories
- Seismic design in accordance with the Building Code
- Secondary containment
- Design and specifications for related piping, valves and fittings
- Location and classification of electrical equipment, including emergency fuel shutdown devices
- Specifications for fuel storage and venting components
- Any other documentation that provides compliance with NFPA 30
- Certified copy of the Notice of Commencement - required for any job valued greater than $5,000 (not required for submittal)If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement (located below)
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Garage Door
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
The Florida Building Code regulates the design and construction of garage doors on all kinds of buildings. The requirements for garage door design are largely affected by the frequency of hurricanes and tropical storms. In all of Florida, garage doors or rolling doors must withstand winds of a specified speed and flying debris of a specified force.
Garage doors are required to approved by the State of Florida through their Product Approval Process. The Product Approval number should be affixed on the garage door. To verify a Product Approval Number
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival. Inspections requested prior to 6:59 a.m. will be done the same day. Any inspection requested after 7:00 a.m. will be done the following business day.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Product approval sheet
- Detail/installation sheets are to be at the job site for the inspection (do not submit to the office)
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction Lien Law Affidavit
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready within 5 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Drawings
- Include BTU rating of each appliance served
- Type of pipe to the be used
- Size of pipe to each appliance
- Length of the pipe run to each appliance
- Survey / site plan
- Flood zone
- Tank size, location, dimensions of any pads
- Setbacks from house and property lines to tank
- Identify if tank is above or below ground
- Landscape plan
- Structures and equipment are to be screened with visual buffering when visible from rights of way, parking areas, adjacent properties.
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - required for any job greater than $5,000.
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Gas - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end.
Once you've made application, the permit is usually ready within 10 days. If any additional information is required, you will receive an email with the details.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Drawings
- Include BTU rating of each appliance served
- Type of pipe to the be used
- Size of pipe to each appliance
- Length of the pipe run to each appliance
- Survey / site plan
- Flood zone
- Tank size, location, dimensions of any pads
- Setbacks from house and property lines to tank
- Identify if tank is above or below ground
- Landscape plan
- Structures and equipment are to be screened with visual buffering when visible from rights of way, parking areas, adjacent properties.
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Construction lien law affidavit - required for any job greater than $5,000
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. Please contact our office if you have additional questions.
The permit review is usually completed within 5 business days. If additional information or corrections are necessary, an email notification will be sent with the details.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
An automatic email will be sent when the permit application has been approved. Payments can be made online or in person regardless of submittal method.
Approved documents are to be printed from the website (or picked up if submitted manually) and are to be at the site when the inspector arrives.
The inspections identified on the job card/online inspection tab are required for your project. If you feel there are missing inspections or something is not required, please contact the plan reviewers at 386-986-3782.
Inspections can be scheduled through the online permitting portal or by calling our automated inspection system at 386-986-4747.
When the inspector has been assigned to your inspection, an email notification will be sent containing the inspector's name and phone #. You may contact him directly for a two hour time frame for arrival.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required for the inspection?
- You will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
- The panels will need to be opened by contractor and a start up performed.
If you are in a special hazard flood zone area, please contact the planning division to inquire about special elevation and anchoring requirements 386-986-3736
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application
- Gas / electrical contractor must be identified on the permit application OR a separate permit must be obtained simultaneously
- Plans/manufactures specifications to include transfer switch and electrical layout. (show disconnect for the generator that is lockable in the open position)
- Riser diagram - identify wire and breaker sizes
- Survey / site plan
- Flood zone of property
- All existing structures
- Proposed size, location, setbacks and dimensions of generator and pad. (Generators are prohibited in the required front and street side yard and prohibited in front of the building line of the principal structure).
- Proposed or existing gas tank- indicate if above/below ground
- Landscaping to buffer equipment (decorative fence/walls)plans shall be native or shall be vegetation that conserves water, is adaptable to local conditions, and is drought tolerant.
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
In order to make application for a permit, contractors must be registered in our database. Check database here -
To register -
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Generator - Commercial
We have tried our best to provide all the information necessary on this page to help you understand the process for permitting your project from beginning to the end. For more involved projects, we advise you to contact the Building Division and we can review your documents to reduce frustrations during the permitting review and issuance process.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. You may schedule the inspection by calling 386-986-4747 or through this website. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives. The inspector will sign your job card if the inspections passes.
You will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
If you are in a special hazard flood zone area, please contact the planning division to inquire about special elevation and anchoring requirements 386-986-3736
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit application (signed by the license holder)
- Gas / electrical contractor must be identified on the permit application OR a separate permit must be obtained simultaneously
- Electrical plans
- Plans/manufactures specifications to include transfer switch and electrical layout.
- Manufactures specifications for generator
- Manufactures specifications for gas tank if applicable
- Bollard detail for in front of the generator
- Survey / site plan
- Flood zone of property
- All existing structures
- Proposed size, location, setbacks and dimensions of generator and pad.
- Location of bollards
- Proposed or existing gas tank- indicate if above/below ground
- Landscaping to buffer equipment (decorative fence/walls)plans shall be native or shall be vegetation that conserves water, is adaptable to local conditions, and is drought tolerant.
- Proof of property ownership - recorded deed or property appraisers office printout
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000. The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspections.
In order to make application for a permit, contractors must be registered in our database. Check database here -
To register -
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Grease Interceptor / Trap
A separate permit is required for a Grease Interceptor/ Trap. If the trap is to be installed during a new construction, a separate permit is still required. It is not included in the site development permit.
The average review time is 10 business days. When your permit is ready, you will receive an email notification. Payment can be made online or in person.
The permit must be submitted through our online permitting process.
Once you have received your permit, the job card will outline what inspections are necessary for your project. Please note any inspection priorities that must be requested prior to a subsequent inspection.
Inspections can be scheduled through our 24/7 telephone line, 386-986-4747 , through this website, or Alexa. All approved documents are required to be available for the inspector when he arrives.
If the project is not accessible, you will need to be on the site to give the inspector access to the job.
The permit will remain active for six months from the date of issuance, if the permit expires without the required inspections, a new permit will be required.
What is required to apply for a permit?
- Permit Application
- Manufactures Specifications for grease interceptor/ trap including referenced design standards.
- Plans
- Floor plan of building/tenant space showing location of all plumbing facilities
- Site Plan
- Grease interceptor / trap location. If outside, sufficient site plan showing it's location on the property.
- Grease interceptor/ trap capacity and flow rates in accordance with the Florida Administrative Code 62-6 or Section 1003.3.5.1 and Table 1003.3.5.1 of the Florida Plumbing Code.
- Plumbing riser diagram showing all sanitary drainage pipe materials, pipe sizes and all plumbing fixtures and piping bypassing interceptor / trap.
- Plumbing riser diagram showing all venting pipe materials, pipe sizes, location of vent pipe connections venting and location of vent terminals.
- Location and manufacturers' specifications for flow control devices.
- Notice of Commencement , recorded with the Flagler County Clerks Office, for improvements valued greater than $5,000. (not required at time of submittal or issuance, but is required prior to the first inspection) If you are not in direct contractor with the owner and are a subcontractor to the general contractor, the notice of commencement affidavit for subcontractors may be submitted)
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.
Hood System
Required for submittal:
- Permit application
- Plans
- Hood Checklist (found below)
- Notice of commencement (certified copy) this is required for any improvements to your property greater than $5,000.The notice of commencement is to be filled out, and recorded with the Flagler County Clerks office in Bunnell. It is not required at the time of permit issuance, but will be required prior to any inspection.
If you have been sub contracted by a general contractor and are not in direct contract you may submit an affidavit (from our document list) to be covered by the general contractors notice of commencement
To get an estimated cost for your project, please use our online fee calculator - Fee Calculator
All permits are to be submitted through the online permitting portal
It is strongly suggested to read the material on the online permit portal page before beginning to eliminate frustration. There is important information under the 'document submittal requirements' and the 'how to' guide will take you step by step through the process.