The Engineering Department is responsible for overseeing the Capital Improvement Plan and the rehabilitation and expansion of the City's infrastructure system. Engineering has 4 areas of focus; Stormwater, Utilities, Transportation, and Parks & Facilities.
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Capital Improvement Plan
10 Year Capital Improvement Plan
We have a 10-Year plan that is updated annually based upon assessments of the infrastructure, grant opportunities, growth, citizen input and council direction. Staff reviews the reports provided and identifies any work necessary and inputs an amount and year work is recommended to occur based upon potential available funding. The document below is available to see listings about every project.
Capital Improvement Program
Projects are reviewed by the Infrastructure Team considering:
- Justification of need
- Cost estimates
- Impact on the future annual budgets
- Estimated completion
- Available funding
A 5 year Plan is then developed and adopted by City Council with budget.
The 5-Year plan is updated each year as part of the budget process and takes the projects from the 10-Year plan which are reviewed to justify the need, prioritize the projects, update cost estimates, review and impacts to the operating budget and to determine if there is available funding.
1 Year Capital Improvement Program
Budget Approval Outlines Projects Funded for Current Fiscal Year Timeline Created to; track progress, identify causes of delays to improve future planning and to provide project updates.
After the budget is adopted a listing of projects is compiled and project managers are assigned and timelines for the duration of design and/or construction are identified. Factors that may impact when an activity is to occur could be items such as the coordination with other projects such as the replacement of a pipe under a roadway before it is resurfaced, or grant deadline dates, weather such as rainy or hurricane season, and facility usage slower periods such as summer at the golf course. Once this is finalized it is updated and reviewed during the year to compare the actual to the original projection to identify any delays and impacts there may be with other projects so that these issues can be addressed.
To view current and upcoming projects visit the Capital Improvement Project Dashboard.
The Street Light Program is to mark the street intersections, bus stops, and entrances to public facilities and to assist motorists in finding and anticipating them after dark.