workshop 2 elements parks, conservation, infrastructure and housing

City of Palm Coast Reaches Milestone in Imagine 2050 Plan: Community Feedback Sought for Next Chapters

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The City of Palm Coast is thrilled to present the next four chapters of the Imagine 2050 Comprehensive Plan update: Public Recreation and Open Space, Conservation and Coastal Management, Infrastructure, and Housing.

The City of Palm Coast is thrilled to announce the completion of the review of the first three chapters of the Imagine 2050 Comprehensive Plan update. This significant milestone represents a culmination of our residents' aspirations and a collective vision for the future of Palm Coast. It is a vision shaped by extensive community feedback gathered during various public engagement meetings and events since October 2023.

The next four chapters are now ready for community review and input.

Public Recreation and Open Space: Connecting Community through Parks, Trails and Open Spaces

Developing Parks, Recreational Facilities, Trails, and Open Spaces are Guiding Principles established by our community through the Imagine 2050 process. The City of Palm Coast is committed in providing high-quality parks, recreation facilities, and open spaces for its residents.  With 9.9 acres of parkland per 1,000 residents and over 130 miles of connected trails, the city aims to link parks, natural areas, and neighborhoods through an interconnected network of greenways and multi-use paths. Looking ahead, the 2050 Comprehensive Plan proposes an adopted level of service standard, identifies priority projects for the next 5 to 20 years such as new neighborhood parks and trail extensions, and outlines strategies like a new Bicycle-Pedestrian Master Plan to continue meeting recreational needs as the community grows. Funding sources like impact fees, grants, and public private partnerships will support implementation of the comprehensive plan's recreation and open space goals.

Conservation and Coastal Management: Preserving Palm Coast’s Environment, Preparing for Hazards, and Preserving Cultural Resources

The Conservation and Coastal Management Element provides a framework for protecting Palm Coast's natural communities and resources. It is divided into two main sections: Protection of Natural Resources and Natural Disaster Management. The former focuses on conserving air, water, ecosystems, habitats, cultural resources, and promoting environmental sustainability. The latter addresses reducing exposure to coastal hazards like hurricanes, disaster mitigation, evacuation planning, and Firewise initiatives. The Element recognizes the importance of balanced growth management to safeguard the environment. Goals, Objectives and Policies are in place to address natural resource protection that are consistent with several Guiding Principles established by our community. Intergovernmental coordination, regulatory participation, groundwater protection, floodplain management, threatened and endangered species, and surface water quality management are emphasized within this Element. The City's susceptibility to natural hazards like flooding and hurricanes is also addressed, with policies for coordination with emergency management agencies.

Infrastructure: Managing Growth and Building for Tomorrow

The City of Palm Coast's Infrastructure Element lays out a comprehensive strategy for managing sewer, potable water, solid waste, and stormwater facilities and services in line with future land use projections through 2050, while safeguarding the natural groundwater aquifer recharge. Integrated with other plan elements like Future Land Use and Conservation, the Infrastructure Element ensures coordinated development. Guided by the Goals, Objectives, and Policies (GOPs), each sub-element, including Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Stormwater Management, Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge, and Solid Waste, outline specific strategies. From expanding reuse systems to enforcing responsible development practices and enhancing aquifer recharge, the GOPs provide a framework for sustainable infrastructure management for the future. The Element is in line with the following Key Guiding Principles established by our community: Maintain and Upgrade Public Facilities, Protect Natural Resources, and Fiscal Planning.

Housing: Diverse Housing for Every Life Stage

The Housing Element is in line with our Guiding Principle for “Supporting the Opportunities for a Variety of Housing Choices.”  The Housing Element aims to provide a diverse range of housing options for all life stages and income levels, from young adults to senior residents looking to age in place near amenities. It promotes a variety of housing types like accessory dwellings, multi-family, single-family homes, and continuum of care facilities. The City will seek livable community designation and allow innovative development alternatives like density bonuses for affordable units. Protecting existing neighborhoods through buffers and compatibility analyses is prioritized, as is maintaining housing stock via code enforcement. State and federal funding will be pursued for housing programs, serving special needs groups like the elderly. The goal is to create housing opportunities dispersed throughout Palm Coast that are obtainable, accessible, and accommodate evolving resident needs. 

Join Us: July 9, 2024 at 9 a.m., City Council Workshop Meeting 

Palm Coast residents are invited to participate in the review of these comprehensive plan elements, which will be presented to the City Council on July 9, 2024, at 9 a.m. The workshop will be held in person at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast and will be streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel:

To review the elements further in advance of the meeting and provide direct feedback to city staff, visit the interactive Imagine 2050 webpage at: 

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The Authors

Brittany Kershaw

Director of Communications & Marketing