City Council Strategic Planning Advance Meeting on December 9, at 12 p.m. and City Council Business Meeting on December 10, at 9 a.m.

Friday, December 06, 2024

The City Council Strategic Planning Advance meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 9, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. inside the Southern Recreation Center, located at 1290 Belle Terre Parkway. The City Council Workshop Meeting will be on Tuesday, December 10, at 9 a.m. in the Community Wing of City Hall. 

The Palm Coast City Council meets regularly to discuss and vote on official City business. These meetings are open to the public, and Palm Coast residents are strongly encouraged to attend. An increase in public engagement helps to build a stronger sense of community, increase valuable discussions, and decrease division.

The agenda for the City Council Strategic Planning Advance meeting on Monday, December 9, from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. inside the Southern Recreation Center, located at 1290 Belle Terre Parkway, will be as follows:


The following presentations will be delivered:

  1. The Bunnell City Manager, Dr. Alvin Jackson, will give a presentation on Highly Effective Councils, offering insights into best practices for council operations.
  2. Acting City Manager Lauren Johnston will provide a City Overview, highlighting the current state and priorities of the City of Palm Coast.
  3. The Palm Coast Director of Finance, Helena Alves, will give a Financial Performance Overview detailing the City’s financial health and outlook.
  4. The Palm Coast Director of Stormwater and Engineering, Carl Cote, will present an Overview of Major Projects and Initiatives, discussing key projects and future goals.
  5. Acting City Manager Lauren Johnston will provide closing remarks and answer questions from council members.

This meeting is open to the public, and residents are encouraged to attend.

The agenda for the City Council Workshop Meeting, held in the Community Wing of City Hall on Tuesday, December 10, at 9 a.m., will be as follows:


The following proclamations and presentations will be presented:

  1. The Community Development Department will present an ordinance amending the City of Palm Coast Ordinances, Chapter 17, to add Article V, Short-Term Vacation Rentals. On June 4, 2024, the City Council directed the City Attorney to draft legislation regulating short-term vacation rentals. The proposed ordinance establishes reasonable standards to preserve property values, protect residents' quality of life, and ensure compliance without being punitive in scope.
  2. The Palm Coast Fire Department will receive a donation of $40,956.00 from the Knights of Columbus Notre Dame Council #10514 to purchase a Safety Haven Baby Box.
  3. The Community Development Department will present the University of Central Florida Small Business Development Center (UCF SBDC) Annual Report. The UCF SBDC offers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at nurturing small businesses, helping them thrive, and contributing to the economic development of the region.
  4. The Parks and Recreation Department will deliver a presentation on the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Grant and future opportunities. As part of the USTA Grant awarded to the Southern Recreation Center, the USTA will provide a presentation on the grant, a program and services approach, and future opportunities.
  5. The Community Development Department will deliver a presentation giving an overview of assessments and recent upcoming initiatives, including 2024 Economic Development Updates, Sites and Building Readiness, Workforce, Collaborative Partnerships, Recruiting, and Marketing.
  6. The City Administration will discuss and review policies, procedures, and the meeting schedule. At the November 19, 2024, Business Meeting, the City Council wanted to review its policies and procedures and discuss its 2025 meeting schedule.

Public Comments will be opened at the beginning and end of the business meeting in accordance with Section 286.0114 Florida Statutes and pursuant to the City Council’s Meeting Policies and Procedures. Each speaker will approach the podium, provide his/her name, and may speak for up to 3 minutes.

Meetings of the Palm Coast City Council typically occur three times per month. A 6 p.m. business meeting on the first Tuesday of the month, a 9 a.m. workshop meeting on the second Tuesday of the month, and a 9 a.m. business meeting on the third Tuesday of the month. All meetings occur in the Community Wing at City Hall at 160 Lake Avenue in Palm Coast.

Business meetings and workshops are open to the public and are streamed live on the City’s YouTube channel. Meeting agendas for all public meetings are posted in advance of each meeting on the City’s website. All agendas can be viewed here.

If you wish to obtain more information regarding the City Council’s agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 386-986-3713. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 386-986-3713, at least 48 hours before the meeting.

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The Authors

Shannon Martin

Public Information Supervisor