Pipe Replacement Scheduled on Old Kings Road North

Friday September, 08 2023

The Stormwater Department will be installing a pipe replacement located at Old Kings Road North in Palm Coast. This road closure notice is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 14th, through Friday, September 15th, with operational hours from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., including an overnight closure for safety reasons.

The Stormwater Department will be installing a pipe replacement located at Old Kings Road North in Palm Coast. This road closure notice is scheduled to take place on Thursday, September 14th, through Friday, September 15th, with operational hours from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., including an overnight closure for safety reasons.

This section of roadway will be closed as the Stormwater crew works to replace the pipeline on location near side-street Freneau Lane. Road closures will be implemented at two intersections: Old Kings and Felshire Southbound and Old Kings Road and Frenora Northbound.

Traffic heading northbound on Old Kings Road will be detoured to Felshire Lane, then to Fellowship Drive, and finally back to Old Kings Road to bypass the area. Traffic heading southbound on Old Kings Road will be detoured to Frenora Lane, then to Freneau Lane to rejoin Old Kings Road and avoid construction. Proper MOT and detour signs will be placed. 

The City of Palm Coast appreciates the patience and cooperation of residents and motorists during this time.

This information has been added to the Flagler County GIS road closure map. View all County-wide road closures here by selecting Flagler County Road Closures: https://data-fcmaps.opendata.arcgis.com/

For more information, contact customer service at customer-service@palmoastgov.com or 386-986-2360. A request can also be submitted through palmcoast.gov/connect.

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The Authors

Angelene Davis

Multimedia Associate