Water Treatment Plant #2
Water Treatment Plant #2 is located in the southern portion of the city. Water Treatment Plant #2 was designed, permitted and built in the early 1990’s.
It was certified by the FDEP and activated by staff in July of 1992. The plant utilizes a nano-filtration process to treat the raw water. WTP No. 2 has a permitted capacity of 7.584 MGD and recovers a concentrate flow of 1.2 MGD through a zero liquid discharge (ZLD) process to provide a total recovery of 98%. The plant contains: sixteen (16) upper Floridan aquifer wells; four (4) membrane softening skids; three (3) transfer pumps; one (1) storage facility and six (6) high service pumps.
There are five (5) treatment processes for permeate treatment at WTP No. 2 which include pre-treatment, membrane softening, degasification, disinfection, and corrosion control.
A Contact Time evaluation was performed for WTP No. 2 which documented that the inactivation of viruses was more than the required four-log inactivation requirement. This level of inactivation is compliant with the Groundwater Rule.