PEP stands for Pretreatment Effluent Pumping System and accounts for half of the wastewater collection system with the other half being a gravity sewer. The (PEP) system has several distinct characteristics such as smaller pipes made from PVC that do not have to be laid as deeply in the ground as the conventional gravity sewer system and manholes are not required. A simpler way to describe it is a septic tank system, but instead of an on-site drain field, the gray water is pumped into the wastewater collection system. The system was designed and installed during the early development of Palm Coast when owned and operated by ITT Corporation. It was designed as an alternative to gravity sewer as a means of saving the capital expense cost. The system was installed during construction by City staff and is owned and operated by the City, therefore, there are certain criteria that must be met to assure the Utility staff can access your system for repair and maintenance.
The City of Palm Coast Wastewater Utility is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. If you are experiencing sewer problems, report a concern at We recommend you do this before calling a plumber to avoid unnecessary plumbing bills. Utility crews will respond by checking the City's main line and service to determine whether the blockage is in the main line or in the customer's private service line. If the problem is found in the main, Utility will correct the problem. If found in the customer's private line, the customer will be informed of their responsibility for repairing or "clearing the line."